‘A route back to significance’ by Chloé Frommer

An initial comment (my less conscious or deep response) on
‘Holier than life’ by Fauzia Rafique

‘I truly liked the poetry collection. And though I love all poetry, I feel your voice has affected me before or previously – and maybe most strongly because you were a poet I knew, or had at least met.

‘If I was to get analytical though, I might say the strongest of the poems re-mediates us from some of the toxic, and inept media we’ve gotten covering all kinds of internal and externally-generated wars in Pakistan, within Islamic governance etc. These are the knotty rotty experiences we still have not figured how to absolve.

‘Some of your poetry is also so so familiar to me. I think I’ve read some of it before! So it’s nostalgia to come across this particular cadence of self in the world again. Some of it helped me sort an approach to another difficult time – but I barely remember that time, just that I had either reposted or liked that poem before.

‘As a whole, your poetry is a rally against the dullness of our information intoxications, almost a route back to significance. However, like the title suggests, holier than life, the route is more than one less than many – a candelabra of many veins and ways.

‘I have to end this top of my head review with just saying….I too am suffering now, from all of this.’

Chloé Frommer is a sociocultural anthropologist, an underpublished poet, and an emerging filmmaker. Works online can be found at:

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